FAQs for Fans

What Is Raise the Reel?

Raise the Reel connects fans like you to the magic of filmmaking. By contributing, you’re not just supporting a film—you’re helping a charity and earning exclusive perks and experiences.

How Does My Contribution Help?

  • Supports the Film:
    Your contribution funds an incredible movie or tv project while ensuring creators keep full creative control.
  • Helps a Charity:
    10% of your contribution goes directly to a cause chosen by the filmmaker.
  • Gets You Exclusive Perks:
    From walk-on roles to behind-the-scenes experiences, your support earns perks you won’t find anywhere else.

Why Do Fans Love Raise the Reel?

  • Make a Difference:
    You’re not just supporting a film—you’re helping a charity and becoming part of something bigger.
  • Get Unforgettable Experiences:
    Every campaign offers unique perks, from red carpet access to personalized thank-you notes from the cast.
  • Be Part of the Journey:
    Watch the film come to life knowing you played a key role in its success.

What Happens If the Campaign Doesn’t Hit Its Goal?

Unlike traditional platforms, your perks are always guaranteed, no matter how much the campaign raises. Every contribution counts, and you’re always a part of the filmmaking journey.

Ready to Turn Your Vision into Reality?

Let’s bring your project to life. Contact us today to set up a meeting and get started!